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Bear Smart

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Bear Smart Programs
TRC’s Bear Smart program is for children 3-4 years of age that focuses on motor skill development, enhancing social skills, and play in a fun, safe, and exciting recreational environment. All of our youth start smart programs are led by TRC instructors and are split into two different classes, depending on your child's age. Our 3-year old program focuses on developmental and motor skills, and our 4-year-old program instructs children on 5 different sports throughout the program. 

What's the benefit of Start Smart?

Oftentimes a child’s first sports experience is through an organized community league. Unfortunately, these first-timers are often forced into competitive situations without first receiving a proper introduction on the correct skills and movements needed to effectively play that sport. To give a child the best chance at succeeding in, and enjoying, a particular sport, a proper age-appropriate period of instruction is crucial. Rather than simply throwing them out on the field/court and then keeping score, experts agree that the best way to start kids out in sports is through a progressive program of varying levels.
Our Bear Smart program helps young children to develop their motor skills in a fun and safe environment! There are several factors that influence the development of gross and fine motor skills. These factors include the growth of the child, environment, genetics, muscle tone, and gender. By understanding and analyzing these factors, you can help children enhance their skills and develop at an appropriate rate.

The Turner Recreation Commission has established our Bear Smart program just for this!

3-year-old program:
  • The 3-year-old program focuses almost completely on motor skill development. What is a motor skill? A motor skill is a function, which involves the precise movement of muscles with the intent to perform a specific act. Motor learning is the relatively permanent change in the ability to perform a skill as a result of practice or experience.
  • This program is instructor-led with 100% parent participation that will meet once a week for six weeks for 30-45 minutes each class. Classes will be offered four times a year (fall, winter, spring, & summer) on Saturdays.
Session Information (Fall 2021)
Session Start Date:
Registration Deadline:

4-year-old program:
  • The 4-year-old program will continue motor skill development with introducing the child(ren) to a variety of sports offered by the Turner Recreation Commission. Your child(ren) will receive age appropriate instruction for each sport for the duration of two weeks at a time for each specified sport (basketball, flag football, soccer, t-ball, & volleyball).
  • This program is instructor led with 100% parent participation that will meet twice a week during weeknights for ten weeks for 30-45 minutes each class. Classes will be offered twice a year (fall/winter and spring/summer).

Session Information (Fall 2021)
Session Start Date:
Registration Deadline: